The Minister of Immigration receives Representative Ghada Ajami, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives

The Minister of Immigration receives Representative Ghada Ajami, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives

Ambassador Suha Gendy, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, met with Representative Ghada Agamy, a member of the House Foreign Relations Committee, to discuss the files of Egyptians living abroad, their needs, and the obstacles they confront.

The Minister of Immigration welcomed the MP at the start of the meeting, and her Excellency addressed a variety of ideas and initiatives for aiding Egyptians abroad and connecting them to the state.

Gendy stated that cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Immigration and members of the House of Representatives as a legislative authority is important in caring for Egyptians abroad and serving their interests, as representatives are the voice of the people and their representatives, and that the political leadership mandates for the Ministry of Immigration revolve primarily around the sustainability of communication with Egyptians abroad.

Representative Ghada Ajamy, for her part, expressed her heartfelt congratulations to Ambassador Suha Gendy on assuming the portfolio of the Ministry of Immigration, and stated unequivocally that Egyptian communities abroad are soft and vital forces for Egypt around the world, adding: “We must all work together and the relevant authorities to serve Egyptians abroad.”

Agami reviewed a variety of ideas and recommendations for assisting Egyptians abroad in different spheres, including addressing their needs and transferring genuine demands, while applauding the success of the third edition of the Entities and Egyptians Abroad Conference.

At the meeting’s conclusion, it was agreed to continue consultation and coordination between the Ministry of Immigration and the House of Representatives in order to reach consensus formulas for new initiatives that would meet the needs of Egyptians abroad in the implementation of President Abdel Fattah El-mandates Sisi’s as President of the Republic.

The Minister of Immigration meets with Representative Ghada Ajami, a member of the House Foreign Relations Committee.

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