Tens of thousands of academic workers at the University of California begin a strike

Tens of thousands of academic workers at the University of California begin a strike

About 48,000 union academic workers at the University of California, who perform the majority of teaching and research in the state’s main education system in the state, were stopped on Monday, calling for improving wages and benefits.
The strike at the system level in the state includes teaching assistants, post -doctoral scholars and researchers from graduate students and teachers.

This is expected to cause major disturbances in the classroom and daily life on the campus, according to the newspaper “Los Angeles Times”.
Union leaders say the strike, which started on Monday morning, will be the largest at the level of any academic institution in history. Workers in university colleges in Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Mairid, Irvin, Davis and San Francisco joined the strike.

“We were negotiating throughout the weekend, and while an important progress was made, we are still far apart on many issues Which will make the University of California more fair. ”
He added: “We are negotiating with the university around the clock and listening to all its offers. “.

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