A “dangerous substance” in our homes .. It affects women with these tumors

A “dangerous substance” in our homes .. It affects women with these tumors

Non -cancerous uterine tumors affect approximately 8 out of 10 women in their lives, and are usually harmless.
But these tumors develop in a quarter of cases, and cause fertility and miscarriage problems, which requires complex surgery to remove them.
Dangerous plastic
Fibious uterine tumors
They are a common non -cancerous tumors that are often more than a peas and do not cause any serious symptoms.

In about a quarter of cases of infection with these tumors, their growth leads to abdominal or lower back pain, and the repeated need to urinate.
Doctors with these tumors may be treated with medications, but if this fails, a complex surgery will be needed to remove them.
In some women, uterine eradication may be the only solution to rid them of these tumors, for fear of developing the “malicious” type.

The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to the hormone “estrogen”, whose level decreases after menopause..

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