Zellinski: Russia has destroyed “all vital infrastructure” in Jeuceon

Zellinski: Russia has destroyed “all vital infrastructure” in Jeuceon

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski confirmed on Monday that Russia had destroyed “all vital infrastructure” in parts of the Jeresson region that the Ukrainian army recovered last week.
“Before the winter, the Russian occupiers destroyed all vital infrastructures completely,” Zellinski said during his daily speech after the liberated visit of Jiusson, adding that “all the important facilities in the city and the region were softened.

He continued: “There is no electricity, communications, internet, or television in Jiusson, adding:” The occupiers have destroyed everything on purpose. ”
“This is what the Russian flag means – complete destruction”, promising to return to normal life.
The Ukrainian Electricity Company “Ocinergo” had announced earlier, Monday, that Russia had destroyed a major power station in Jiusson before its forces withdrew from the city and the right bank of the Dnieper River last week.

“The power station that was providing the total right of the right in the Kehrson area with electricity, in addition to a large portion of the Micoleev area, is actually destroyed,” the company said on Facebook, adding that this is one of the “results of the fear of the occupiers before they flee. ”
The forced withdrawal of the Russian forces was in the face of the Ukrainian counter -attack, a setback for President Vladimir Putin, who was in September to mobilize 300,000 reserve elements.

The Ukrainian president considered during his visit to Khairsson that the liberation of the city represents the “beginning of the end of the war. ”
Keybuson was the first major Ukrainian city to fall into the hands of the Russians after the start of the invasion in late February.
In recent weeks, the Russian army launched several missile strikes and by suicide marches targeting Ukrainian infrastructure to supply energy..

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