“Luxor obelisk and its journey to Paris” … a story of transferring an impact of 250 tons to the Concorde Square 190 years ago

“Luxor obelisk and its journey to Paris” … a story of transferring an impact of 250 tons to the Concorde Square 190 years ago

The transfer of Luxor obelisk from Egypt to Paris was one of the greatest engineering victories in the early nineteenth century, and Egypt did not leave any obelisk of this size. To Paris, “which is considered a story of adventures, excitement and drama, but it is an unknown story on a large scale of the world.

The Lebas team was in the plague, and they had to wait four months until the Nile rose to pass their ship on the beach, but in the end, the ship sailed from Luxor, with its precious load on board, via the Nile, and on October 25, 1836, in the two hundred thousand Parisians, the justed, lifted Lebas its entertainment He got a great reward by his property and a medal was hit in his name.

But why was the Luxor obelisk to France? In 1830, Muhammad Ali Pasha decided to present the two flaws standing in front of the Luxor Temple to King Charles X, the King of France, and it was a gesture of friendship and gratitude to the dismantling of Champollion, the hieroglyphic symbols.

For the ancient Egyptians, the obelisk was an appreciation for the commemoration of the dead, the representation of their kings and the honor of their gods, and these effects were representative in terms of structure and arrangement, as they served as a complete brown traces in terms of understanding.

The Luxor Temple, which was settled in front of the two messages before they were taken to France, is considered one of the well -known ancient Egyptian temples, where it is located on the eastern bank of the Nile River in the city of Luxor today, known as the name, founded in 1400 BC, and the Luxor Temple was built for the worship of Amun Ra, his wife, death and their son Khonsu; They are the lords that are also called the Tibi Trinity..

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