Yemen: The decision to classify the Houthi group is a terrorist organization aimed at dismantling its structure

Yemen: The decision to classify the Houthi group is a terrorist organization aimed at dismantling its structure

Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Moeen Abdul -Malik said that the decision to classify the Houthi group is a terrorist organization aimed at dismantling its structure and protecting the affected citizens who face repressive behavior and the escalating violations of this militia that threatens the interests of the Yemenis and the whole world.
This came during the approval of the Yemeni Cabinet, in an extraordinary meeting held in the temporary capital of Aden, headed by Prime Minister Dr.

Moeen Abdel -Malik, the first package of urgent government procedural policies in the legal and economic tracks, to implement the National Defense Council Resolution 1 of 2022 AD, regarding the classification of the Houthi militia “Terrorist group”.

The Yemeni News Agency stated that the urgent government policies in the legal track included several points, most notably, to complete the modernization of the black lists of political and field leaders of the Houthi militia and the people dealing with them, and those who are images are official qualities in the leadership levels of ministries and heads of government institutions and agencies, registered in the lists of countries and other parties, and issued They are convicted of rulings, and those involved in the commission of war crimes and human rights violations, in addition to subscribers and accomplices in targeting economic facilities for export and threatening navigation companies, and the speed of their referral and generalization to follow -up and criminal prosecution.

It also included preparing and equipping black lists with entities and companies involved in financing and supporting the Houthi militia, and taking legal measures to track networks dealing with the militia and operating outside Yemen.

Moeen Abdul -Malik expressed the confidence of the Yemeni government and the people of the international community standing and supporting the government’s decisions and the Presidential Command Council to classify the Houthi militia “a terrorist group”, including the pursuit of the Houthi leaders involved in the shedding of the Yemenis and the threat of international navigation and the global economy, stressing that the completion of the end of the coup Al -Houthi, the restoration of the state, the implementation of binding international decisions, has become the only way to achieve peace and stability in Yemen and the region, secure international navigation, energy supplies and the World Trade movement.


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