The Fujairah International Conference on Philosophy begins its second session sessions next Thursday

The Fujairah International Conference on Philosophy begins its second session sessions next Thursday

Next Thursday begins the sessions of the second session of the Fujairah International Conference of Philosophy under the patronage of Sheikh Muhammad bin Hamad Al Sharqi, the Crown Prince of Fujairah, and will continue for three days under the title: “Philosophy and Bager” with the participation of a large number of Arab and foreign thinkers and researchers.

The topics of the conference discuss the different dimensions of philosophy, and their impact on the vital aspects of societal influence, such as building awareness, promoting identity and developing education, in addition to dealing with the meaning of the powerful historical time, and how the philosopher views the betting, its philosophical manifestations, what is the Arab betrayal, its challenges, its problems, ways of crossing towards the future: and is it Modernity or update? Finally, man and digital authority.

The conference is organizing the “House of Philosophy” Foundation in the Emirate of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, and it is an initiative for philosophical dialogue that is the first of its kind in the Arab world.

It was launched from the Emirate of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates to formulate rational awareness, spread and education, and aims to spread moral, aesthetic values, enlightenment and tolerance, as it seeks to create an elite Emirati intellectual thinking in its reality a sound systematic thinking.

The conference will be held for the second year in a row in conjunction with the International Day of Philosophy with the aim of emphasizing the role of philosophy in developing human thought and enhancing the culture of philosophical debate and the importance of philosophy in dealing with many issues.

Ahmed Al -Samahi, Head of the Conference, said: “The organization of the second edition of the International Conference on Philosophy comes as a confirmation of the great success he achieved in its first edition last year, and his contribution to the consolidation of the international and pioneering role of the United Arab Emirates in the field of philosophy, and in a way that enhances the position of the Emirate of Fujairah as a regional and global center For the philosophical dialogue »Among the most prominent participants are the doctors Ahmed Al -Barqawi, a professor of philosophy at the University of Damascus and the Dean of the House of Philosophy in Fujairah (Palestine) Claude Spac, Ariana Conte (France) and Dr.

Shaya Al -Waqyan (Saudi Arabia) Muhammad Mesbahi, Al -Mahdi Al -Raqqi (Morocco) Muhammad Mahjoub (Tunisia) Hassan Hammad, Anwar Magith (Egypt) Khaled Kamouni, Joseph Maalouf (Lebanon) Malika Bin Doda, and Al -Zawawi in Boura (Algeria) Musa Barhouma – Jordan, Dr.

Fahd Al -Ruwaished, Dalia Al -Tunisi, Jana Muhr Lun – the American Plato Foundation, Ali and Bani, Sheikha Al -Shumaili , Rashid Al -Mazroui and Sarah bin Simida, Hala and Qassam, Naglaa Al -Matrushi, Nicole Webren: The limits of the self -interest. The Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi. Avoid in the Arab world..

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