Days before the decision, the closest to Johnson’s succession in Britain

Days before the decision, the closest to Johnson’s succession in Britain

The identity of the new prime minister will be known in a few days, and if there is no significant surprise, Foreign Minister Liz Terrace will follow Boris Johnson in Downing Street, facing an extremely severe economic and social position.
According to YouGov surveys, Terrace has a strong advantage of 32 points. Conservative Party members have until September 2 to select their next leader, with the outcome to be disclosed on September 5th.

During the election campaign, the two Conservative candidates to succeed the resigned Boris Johnson, the veteran minister, Liz Truss, 47, who has become a member of the party’s far right, and Rishi Sunak, 42, the former finance minister with limited political experience, who adopted frankness in his approach without He always manages to deliver his messages.
While Britain had the highest inflation rate in the Group of Seven countries, at 10%,

According to Citibank, each of the other candidates accused the other candidates of responding to the crisis with incorrect suggestions, as the Terrace committed to lower taxes while he offered Sunak provide immediate relief.
Each contender stated that he would follow the lead of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, despite the fact that these conservatives had nothing to do with the Iron Lady.

Rishi Sunak, the grandson of Indian immigrants and a supporter of strict fiscal policies, accused Liz Truss of making unsustainable promises, citing his accomplishments as finance minister during the COVID-19 epidemic as evidence of his capacity to weather crises.
However, optimist Liz Truss believes that a recession is not unavoidable and that opportunities might be generated in the UK.

It seeks to repeal all EU-inherited regulations, promotes deregulation and free trade, and encourages conservatives to be ambitious.
Britons paid little attention to the candidates who lacked Boris Johnson’s appeal, fearful of a harsh winter characterised by rising energy prices, diminishing buying power, and strikes.

While Tim Bale, a lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, thought Liz Truss knew how to express herself more honestly and casually than Rishi Sunak, who undoubtedly rates among the world elite,
Truss, according to John Curtis, a political science professor at the University of Strathclyde, readily passed on classic conservative themes.

Rishi Sunak, who is married to an Indian millionaire, has been charged with treason and hastening Boris Johnson’s demise. He resigned in early July, followed by roughly 60 members of the cabinet, against the backdrop of numerous scandals, although Terras did not.
Johnson has been running a basic caretaker company since his retirement on July 7, deferring major choices to his successor.

In a country with 46 million registered voters, the Conservative Party’s fewer than 200,000 members pick the next prime minister, the majority of whom are white, older, and rich.
Liz Terrass, if she replaces Boris Johnson, will be the third woman to be Prime Minister, following Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) and Theresa May. (2016-2019).
For the past twelve years, the Conservative Party has been divided into many currents.

All surveys show that he will lose to Labor in the next parliamentary elections, which are slated for January 2025 at the earliest.

The closest to Johnson’s ascension in Britain was days before the decision.

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