Especially after the withdrawal of Russia .. Will it be the alternative Guinchisk from Jacon?

Especially after the withdrawal of Russia .. Will it be the alternative Guinchisk from Jacon?

Russian news agencies had reported statements issued by Alexander Fumin, a spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister of the County Province, stating that the capital was transferred to Guinchisk.
“There has been no official decisions to transfer the capital of Jayson Province, there are a number of departments and structures affiliated with the regional authorities.

Observers believe that the negation may reflect Moscow’s fear that the announcement of the announcement of the choice of an alternative capital for the province of Khaisson, from which the Russian forces withdrew, as if it was negligent in the city that was one of the first strategic cities that the Russians controlled on March 16.

The last statement also represents a Russian message that the Russians will return to the city, which, according to the results of the referendum that took place in the province in late September, is part of Russian territory.

Why Guinchisk?
About the motive behind the talk about the choice of Guinechesk as the capital of Jemesson, the Russian researcher and expert in international relations, Timor Dowidar, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”: “Guinchisk is 200 kilometers away from Jacon, i. e.

from the line of contact between the Russian and Ukrainian armies, and perhaps this is it The most prominent factor for her selection is a temporary capital of Jeruson, and it is overlooking the western beach of the Azov Sea and its population is approximately 20 thousand people.

Dowidar added: “The days of the Soviet Union were Guineichsk, an important commercial port, and the first positions in the country occupy in terms of fishing and fish wealth, but with its collapse, the economic position has declined a lot. What distinguishes it now and revives it economically is summer tourism, where the city is distinguished by its natural and urban landmarks Historical is a prominent tourist resort.

He continued: “Its adoption as a temporary headquarters of the authorities of the County County, is primarily due to purely military considerations and accounts related to their geographical distance from the goal of the Ukrainian forces fire, but there is a popular saying in Russia that says that nothing is temporary as it is permanent, as it is not clear after the next about the future of the plans Russian military in Ukraine.

Dowidar concluded his speech by saying: “We are facing a crossroads, either to enter into negotiations that result in results in terms of identifying the natural lines separating the two parties through the Dnibro River, including the four new regions that Moscow included after the referendums, or in the event that the talks fail and the failure to make concessions by anyone And with the advent of the winter season and the snow and frost raging after about a month, the military vehicles of both sides will be unable to move on the ground, so we will witness a field equation in the place, and we will be later in front of an escalation and insistence on achieving the Russian dream in controlling important areas such as the city of Odyssea and other large parts of Ukraine, with the exception of the western regions, perhaps the annexation of Russia.


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