Funtussk fight

Funtussk fight

The Russian military operation in Ukraine continues today, Monday, where units of the Russian army are beating the positions of the Ukrainian forces stationing, while Kyiv continues to advance to restore its territory, as well as in mobilizing Western support against Russian forces.
In the latest developments, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace warned of an exaggeration in the feeling of joy, noting that despite Russia’s withdrawal from Jiusson, Moscow is still far from surrender.

“Ukraine has the motivation, the war is currently developing in its favor, however, it will be foolish to consider Russia’s withdrawal from Celeston at the end of the war, not to underestimate Russia. ” The minister said: “Russia is far from surrender, but Moscow is worried about small losses.

Earlier, Russian Defense Secretary Sergey Shoigu instructed the withdrawal of Russian forces to the left bank from the Dnieburie River, to organize its defenses, in anticipation of the possibility that Kyiv flooded the areas of Jacon targeting the Kakhovka Dam.
For his part, Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski said on Sunday evening that the fighting in the Donetsk region in the east of the country is still in raging as it was in recent days with no decline in Russian attacks.

“The battles in the Donetsk area are the same intensity that they were in the previous days,” Zellinski added, in his video speech.
He added that the Russian forces, which were occupying part of the Jeresson region, were recently regained by the Ukrainian army, in which they committed the “same atrocities” that they committed in other Ukrainian regions that occupied them.
“The bodies of the dead, the bodies of civilians and military personnel.

In the Jeresson region, the Russian army left behind the same atrocities (which he committed) in other areas of our country where he managed to enter”, pledging “to find every killer and refer him before the judiciary “.
He also referred to the census of 400 Russian “war crime”, without clarifying whether it only contacted the Jeresson region, quoting France Presse.

Many of the residents complain that the Russian forces that ended the evacuation of the city, on Friday, 8 months after its presence in it, has wreaked ruin throughout it.
On Sunday, the city witnessed an atmosphere of joy, in which the Ukrainian flags were raised and its inhabitants embraced Kyiv’s soldiers, while the cars fired their trumpets as an expression of joy, according to the journalists of Agence France -Presse.

Destroyed military vehicles and distorted buildings were seen, while a smell of burning wood spread in this strategic port overlooking the Black Sea, which the war was still raging a few days ago.
As the waiting queues extended outside the food and emergency aid distribution centers, a large number of adults and children were roaming the streets of Jacon wrapped in blue and yellow Ukrainian flags.

Some gathered in the main square in the city to communicate with their relatives through the Internet Satellite Satellite Satellite, owned by Elon Musk, President of Tesla and Twitter..

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