Pelosi talks about retirement … and mocks the “red wave”

Pelosi talks about retirement … and mocks the “red wave”

“We still believe that we have an opportunity to win,” she said in a statement to the “CNN” network on the “CNN” network.
Republicans are still higher to win the majority of the parliament seats, and the fate of about 20 out of 435 seats has not yet been resolved.
But the Democrats narrowed the gap. Even if the Republicans won, this will be a significant margin of what was expected, and the difference may be one seat between the two parties in the House of Representatives.

“Whoever thought two months ago that this red wave would turn into a small drop. “.
CNN and ABC networks indicate that Republicans have won 211 out of 218 seats required to form a majority.
“There are still a lot of voices that were not counted,” Pelosi added, and she added: “I see the path of the future brighter than expected. ”
The formation of the House of Representatives will have a major impact on the political content and legislative work prospects in the next two years by Joe Biden.

Republicans have announced plans to conduct multiple investigations into the performance of the Biden administration if they win, including commercial transactions for President Hunter Biden, the way to deal with the Kofid-19 and the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.
Pelosi, 82, is the first woman to chair the House of Representatives, whether she would seek to stay in the position if Democrats won the majority of the seats.

She replied: “My decision will again depend on the desires of my family and the desires of my party . . . but none of them will be considered much until we see the result of” the final elections.
Business renewal elections
Democrats included the US Senate’s control after the midterm elections that took place last Tuesday, winning President Joe Biden.

However, it was not clear from the control over the House of Representatives, as none of the two sides yet obtained the required seats, which number 218 to achieve the majority, while continuing to count the votes.
Questions about old -age democrats took place in leadership, as Pelosi is 82 years old, and Biden is about to complete 80 years, while Omar Chuck Schumer, the majority of the Senate, is 71 years old.

Pelosi, who is ranked second in the president’s position, won its nineteenth term, Tuesday, with 83 percent of the votes..

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