Analysis.. That’s how Putin thinks.. Should we be afraid of what’s coming?

Analysis.. That’s how Putin thinks.. Should we be afraid of what’s coming?

Russian President Vladimir Putin. AFP

Investigative journalist Dave Troy published a set of tweets on Twitter representing a summary of a journalistic investigation he conducted in cooperation with the “Washington Spectator” that takes an in-depth analytical look at the mentality and politics pursued by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Vladimir Putin believes that the ‘Westphalian’ nation-state model is outdated, and he heralds his radical idea of substitution based on the idea of the ‘Noosphere’, sphere of consciousness, or ‘No’ spherule that was first promoted by the 20th century by the Russian scientist and chemist,” Troy says. Vladimir Vernadsky.

Vernadsky is a highly admired scientist in both Russia and Ukraine, and in the original theory the “nu domain” was the third in the series of Earth growth stages, after the terrestrial sphere (non-living matter) and the biosphere (biological life).

Troy adds, “Vernadsky predicted cruel struggles, shocks, tremors, and even the end of the world” as part of the biosphere’s transition to the “Nu sphere.” Putin apparently stuck to this as a mystical prophecy. The Twentieth Century by Vernadsky’s colleagues Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Edouard Le Roy The three met in Paris in 1922 to discuss an idea that had become popular in “New Age” circles.

Most saw the Noosphere as an idealistic, optimistic vision: “What would happen if humanity could learn to cooperate, rather than fight?” However, Putin chose to understand the theory from a completely different side: “nocracy” or a kind of “merited monarchy”.

Troy adds: “He sees it as a kind of ‘third way’, pushing back the failure of democracy and the hegemony of the West. Putin has married Vernadsky’s idea with a dogma to produce a Eurasian noocracy centered on race.” And he continues: In 2016, Putin appointed Anton Vaino as chief of staff, who claims to have co-invented a device called a “noscope” that he says is able to measure the entirety of public consciousness. If that sounds like nonsense to Western ears, it’s because “God is part of …the third way,” says Phaeno.

Vaino claims to get his ideas from a project at Princeton University – the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) – which uses a global network of sensors to detect “effects on consciousness” caused by “major global events”. It has been widely discredited.

Troy continues: ‘Fayno is still Putin’s chief of staff, and realistically ranks second in the Kremlin. While many dismiss the influence of Alexander Dugin (who has no official position in the Kremlin hierarchy), Fieno is arguably central to Putin’s vision.

He continues: “In recent weeks, the multiple propaganda channels fueled by the Kremlin have become increasingly alarming – all discussing an “event” that would lead to major changes. At least one of these channels calls for an “extinction-level event.” Others cite arguments. religious”.

Troy continued: “Teillard hypothesizes that there is a moment called an ‘omega point’ that indicates the transition from the biosphere to the noosphere. This may be what Putin and Phaeno aim to trigger through an ‘event’ that can be measured and manipulated with an imagined ‘noscope’.”

And he continues: “One of the propaganda channels says that the “event” will include “flashing”, “the arrest of the gang”, “resetting the global financial situation”, etc. While this madness provides another justification for welcoming the “event.” According to Troy: “In propaganda channels, the nature of the “event” extends from solar flares to the visit to the return of Christ, or other stimuli (such as (Iran, North Korea) and these accounts may provide Cover for Putin to start a nuclear “Nosphere” event

Putin also sees AI as the key to Noosphere, saying in 2017, “whoever becomes a leader in this field will become the ruler of the world” and “there are huge opportunities, but there are also threats that are difficult to predict today.” “This fits with his idea of a ‘nocracy’ rule, in which merit will be determined by the sum total of human and machine intelligence, and technologies such as Starlink and Musk’s Neuralink may contribute,” Troy says.

He adds, “This takes us to Trump’s spying and loyalty to Putin. While very few people know precisely what he stole, we do know that his activities eroded American power. He took action to undermine the American intelligence community. This helps advance Putin’s plan.” Noosphere

For example, we made the decision to make this information widely available rather than communicate it to people in the government, because qualified sources we spoke with indicated that it would be silenced within agencies. Public awareness is required to force the White House to act.

The idea of an “omega point” may offer one explanation for why Trump and many others act as if they had complete impunity; They may have come to believe that all government days are numbered.

Troy continues, “The ‘omega point’ noosphere is also very much in tune with Christian eschatology, and offers a unifying, syncretic impulse across Eastern Orthodox, Western Christianity, and New Age belief systems. Vernadsky is also widely admired in Russia and Ukraine—a mystical monotheism.” Another for Europe and Asia.

Troy adds: “The final phase of the Noosphere is called Gaia, when world consciousness is perfectly aligned, all wars and conflicts end, and people live in harmony. This narrative also typically includes the elimination of central banks, banking networks (mostly Jewish) and families.”

This video from Italy in 2008 provides an early formulation of this Gaia Noospheric vision: a world without nation-states (the end of the Westphalian model) and a kind of laissez-faire capitalist grid rule – similar to Putin’s current expressions

And he continues in another tweet: “We are facing a serious threat. Analysts are thinking in terms of the competition of power within the Westphalian model, which Putin and Fiennes are looking to overcome. Regardless of whether it is healthy or practical, we cannot assess the threat unless we understand their mental models.”

Troy continues, “By reviewing Phaeno’s 2012 book, Image of Victory, he said that it offers a “recipe for global domination,” and that its values “hit when the opponent least expects it.” We don’t expect a hit, especially not of such a mysterious and strange nature. “.

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