The arrest of 8 terrorists from Boko Haram who tried to storm military barracks of the Nigerian army

The arrest of 8 terrorists from Boko Haram who tried to storm military barracks of the Nigerian army

Civil groups and young men arrested terrorists of the Boko Haram group, suspects in the attack that took place last month on the military barracks of the Nigerian army and air forces.
They were handed over to the security authorities in the state of Niger in Nigeria, and the suspected terrorists who were arrested were also gathered during a search and interrogation of strangers in the new Wawa Busa area.

The Nigerian Land Forces and Air Force had succeeded in preventing Boko Haram terrorists from reaching the military barracks in New Bossa last month (October 29, 2022).
During the counter -attack, the army killed dozens of terrorists and one of their leaders arrested, after a failed attempt to release their detained leaders in a security facility located in the axis.

A source revealed that the suspects recognized their mission in society, and the source explained: “We thank God for the efforts of the military in our region. As part of our security awareness, after the last attempt by a military base in Wawa, we searched for strangers in our society and we were able to arrest eight of them with a criminal purpose We regained AK-47, 10 magazines and 160 bullets, among other deadly munitions. “.

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