6 things to do to prevent arthritis

6 things to do to prevent arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation in one or more joints that can lead to pain, swelling, stiffness, inability to move or use the joint naturally, and arthritis commonly affects the knees, hips, spine and hands, in this report we learn about things to reduce the risk of arthritis, According to the “Times of India” website.
1- Maintaining a healthy body weight
Excess kilograms can damage the joints faster by putting an additional burden on them.

Each additional kilogram of body weight places an additional load of four to six kilograms on the knee joint, depending on the activity concerned.
Moreover, excessive fatty tissue also causes joint damage by secreting certain chemicals that destroy the cartilage.
The healthy weight of the body is the weight in which the BMI (BMI) is between 18. 5 and 24. 9.

2- Avoid smoking
Smoking can increase the risk of cartilage damage and the exacerbation of arthritis can make the treatment of some forms of arthritis less effective and increase the risk of complications during surgery. Quiting smoking can help protect you from arthritis in more ways than you can imagine.
3- Exercise regularly
Health exercise regularly can help maintain and flexible joints, and can also help protect cartilage.

A person should exercise for half an hour every day and 3-4 times a week.
Examples of health exercises include walking, cycling and swimming.
4- Maintaining a healthy position for the body
Bad body position while standing and sitting, especially for long periods, puts an abnormally excessive pregnancy on the joints, which leads to erosion faster.
The healthy compatibility of all the joints of the body while standing, sitting and walking can protect them from arthritis.

5- Avoid wearing high heels
Wearing high heels leads to a non -physiological position, which increases pressure on the joints of the feet, ankles, hips and spine.
When wearing high heels for a long time, it can cause joint pain.
6- Follow a healthy and balanced diet
Control calories in your diet to maintain a healthy body weight.

Add foods such as ginger, garlic, fish, nuts, berries, colored fruits and leafy vegetables to your diet because they are useful against arthritis because they have an anti -inflammatory effect.
Avoid excessive intake of salt, sugar, processed and refined foods and saturated fats that can increase inflammation in the body.
Keep blood sugar under control because diabetes increases the risk of osteoporosis.
Blood sugar levels that are well controlled can prevent the development of arthritis..

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