Houthi mine affects 3 women in Yemen .. and “pores” extract 716 mines in a week

Houthi mine affects 3 women in Yemen .. and “pores” extract 716 mines in a week

3 women were wounded by a mine explosion planted by the Houthi militia in Al -Jouf Governorate, northern Yemen.
Local sources said that a mine exploded in the Al -Qaif area of ​​the Barak district, which resulted in the injury of women.
Two days ago, the Yemeni Observatory of Mine reported the killing of two civilians as a result of a mine explosion while they were passing on a motorcycle in the Anbar area of ​​Al -Matoon District in Al -Jouf Governorate.

The Observatory documented the killing and injury of 273 civilians as a result of Houthi mines and the remnants of war in many governorates of the country, during the international armistice period in Yemen, which lasted for about 6 months and ended on October 2.

In the context, the Saudi project to purify the Yemeni lands of mines, “Mass”, announced, on Sunday, that 716 improvised mines and ammunition and explosive devices, which were planted by the Houthi militia during the second week of November, in a number of Yemeni governorates.
Mass said in a statement, that among the mines were 3 anti -personnel mines, 104 anti -tank mines, 606 uneven ammunition, and 3 explosive devices.

He pointed out that the total mines and ammunitions that were made since the beginning of this month amounted to 1835 mine, ammunition and an explosive device, while the number of mines that have been removed since the beginning of the “pore” project until now, 371 thousand and 952 of unexploded mine and an explosive device planted by the Houthi group in slums in various governorates.

The Houthi militia is the only party in all parties to the war that sows mines and explosive devices of all kinds and sizes to the internationally prohibited “individual”, as Yemen has witnessed the largest mine transplant on the ground since the end of World War II, according to human rights reports.
Reports indicate that the Houthi militia planted more than two million mine, killing and wounding more than 20,000 civilians.

The prominent international experts team of the United Nations said in its recent report to the UN Security Council that “the Houthis use randomly and systematically, especially along the western coast, is a continuous threat to the civilian population. “.

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