Slovenia is heading to elect the country’s first lady in the run -off

Slovenia is heading to elect the country’s first lady in the run -off

Voters in Slovenia went to the polls to cast their votes in the run -off in the presidential elections, today, Sunday, to choose between two candidates after either of them obtained sufficient support, to win explicitly in the first round that took place three weeks ago.
The foreign minister in the previous government came that I am Lujar in the forefront in the elections that took place on October 23.

But his rival, liberal and non -party political lawyer Natasha Burke Mozar, tops this tour by a small difference, according to opinion polls.
In the event that Burke Mozar wins the run -off, she will be the first woman to serve the highest government position in Slovenia.
Burke Mozar, 54, was the first amiter of the freedom of information in Slovenia between 2004 and 2014.
As a lawyer, she defended privacy protection and freedom of access to information.

The first round was disappointing for the center’s left government headed by Prime Minister Robert Julboub, who took power from the right -wing national politician Yaniz Yancha in May. Gulop’s candidate for the presidency came third, but he soon announced his support for the candidate Burke Mozar..

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