A lawyer close to Saddam: Handing it from Lebanon to Iraq is part of a political deal

A lawyer close to Saddam: Handing it from Lebanon to Iraq is part of a political deal

The lawyer of the grandson of one of the brothers of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said today, Sunday, that her client has no connection to ISIS, but he was handed over to Iraq as part of a political deal with the Lebanese authorities.
Bushra Al -Khalil told the Associated Press that her client Abdullah Yasser Al -Sabawi was living in Yemen in June 2014, when ISIS operatives killed hundreds of Iraqi forces in central Iraq.

She stated that the Lebanese authorities handed Abdullah to Iraq last Friday, despite his registration as a refugee in Lebanon, denying any relationship with the massacre.
ISIS captured about 1700 Iraqi soldiers after seizing Saddam’s Tikrit in 2014.
The soldiers were trying to escape from the nearby Spyker camp, a precedent American base outside the city in northern Iraq.

Later, the organization posted pictures of gunmen killing the soldiers by shooting them after being forced to lie on their faces in a shallow hole.
And Abdullah is the grandson of Saddam’s half -brother, Al -Sabawi Ibrahim, whom an Iraqi court ruled in 2009 and remained in prison until he died as a result of cancer after four years of sentence.
Bushra Al -Khalil said that Yasser, the father of Abdullah, is in prison in Iraq.

Hebron, who defended Saddam during his trial in Baghdad before his execution by hanging in December 2006, indicated that Abdullah left Iraq in 2003 when he was eight years old in the wake of the invasion that the United States led to Iraq and moved to Yemen, where he obtained Yemeni citizenship. After stripping his family of Iraqi nationality.

She added that the first time that Abdullah left Yemen was in late September 2014, three months after the Iraqi soldiers were killed, as he moved to Jordan.
I also mentioned that the young man moved to Lebanon in 2019 and requested political asylum in the hope of resettling him in Britain to marry an Iraqi woman.
Bushra Al -Khalil pointed out that Abdullah was detained for several months, and he was interrogated by the authorities who did not find any evidence he condemned.

Hebron indicated that she provided all the documents to the Lebanese authorities that Abdullah did not leave Yemen until September 2014, when he was a university student at this time.
Hebron said that “the delivery was part of a deal” between Lebanese and Iraqi officials, adding that Abdullah was not supposed to hand over to Iraq for being a Yemeni citizen..

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