Abbas Bridge events .. Why do some question it?

Abbas Bridge events .. Why do some question it?

Today, the 87th anniversary of the outbreak of a popular uprising in Egypt against the British occupation headed by Mohamed Tawfiq Naseem Pasha, five years after the government of Ismail Sidqi canceled the “Constitution of 1923”, which was ensuring a great deal of power for the people and instead issued the “Constitution of 1930” that granted The king is authorities in appointing and isolating governments, known as the events of the Abbas Bridge.

When the Ministry of Naseem took over on November 14, 1934 AD, it issued a royal order to nullify the work of the 1930 constitution, until a new constitutional system is placed constitutional in 1923 and 1930 AD, and on November 9, 1935 and in the “Golden Hall” hall in London, Sir Samuel Hour, the British Foreign Minister, threw the British Foreign Minister, A statement raised the Egyptian street and represented the first wick in the outbreak of the first Abbas Bridge demonstrations on this day, November 13, 1935 AD, where Hoor stated that the 1923 constitution is not valid to work in it, in Egypt and that the 1930 constitution against the nation’s desire unanimously, and the feelings of feelings due to this statement that coincided with the celebration On November 13, jihad was converted to celebrating this holiday into massive demonstrations condemning Hor’s statement and calling for the fall of the government.

The events of the Abbas Bridge were mixed in the reign of Al -Nuqrashi in February 1946, with the demonstrations in the same place in the 1935 demonstrations during the reign of Tawfiq Naseem third, and for these reasons combined, the events of the Abbas Bridge became closer to the legend than to the historical truth.

Ibrahim Issa questioned the incident, as he confirmed that some people always speak that the Abbas Bridge was opened to the students and drowned in the Nile, but the cinema is responsible for promoting such legend, and continued: “It is not a real and did not happen in any day that this matter happened, And there is no bridge that opened for students, not through an Egyptian government or occupation forces.

Ibrahim Issa stressed: “The issue came from the passion for the struggle against the British and the occupation, and not every supreme goal should be called for the creation of a lie, and the bridge is open to the face of students. ”
He said: “Cairo University students (Fouad University) during that period, they went out in major demonstrations and after these demonstrations never fell victims, as was the result of drowning in the Abbas Bridge.

He added: “The Abbas Bridge was open, especially the College of Engineering, to go to the government and parliament headquarters, and they need to count on the Abbas Bridge, and the engineering students decided to close it even though they were opening him. ”
He continued: “The students went to the place of the cabin responsible for the opening and locking of the bridge, but the workers prevented them and did not succeed in locking the Abbas Bridge. “.

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