Lavrov: Washington has succeeded in sowing suspicion and suspicion between East Asian countries

Lavrov: Washington has succeeded in sowing suspicion and suspicion between East Asian countries

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that the Southeast Asian Association Summit was unable to issue a joint statement due to the negative position of the United States and its allies on the crisis in Ukraine.
Lavrov added that Washington has succeeded in sowing suspicion and suspicion between the members of the association, and that Cambodia would issue the closing statement of the summit as the sponsoring state of it.

He criticized Washington’s efforts to the Asia -Pacific region in coordination with its allies in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, with the aim of expanding the borders of NATO approaching Russia and China, without setting their interests and security considerations in mind, and stressed the agreement of Moscow and Beijing in this regard.

He called on the countries of the Southeast Asian Association to determine their national interests away from Western pressures, and stack their ranks to face NATO’s military extension and undermine his plans to dominate the world.
It is worth noting that US President Joe Biden was delayed 30 minutes from the opening date of the League’s summit and came out before its completion, but he attended Lavrov.

The Southeast Asian Countries Association (ASEAN) summit is a platform for dialogue on political issues related to the East Asian and Pacific region, to ensure the development and enhancement of cooperation between them, and the first summit was held in 2005 and was the first participation of Russia in 2010.
Source: Novosti.

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