Hitting, burning, and an electric shock … a Yemeni young woman and her fetus were killed by her husband

Hitting, burning, and an electric shock … a Yemeni young woman and her fetus were killed by her husband

In a horrific crime, a Yemeni young man tortured his 17 -year -old wife, and the third month of beating, burning and electric shock, until she died.
In the details of the crime, local sources revealed that a young man committed a crime against his wife, months after their marriage in Dhamar Governorate, and the move to live in Marib.

The sources said that the girl, Rehab Ahmed Khadeb, who is 17 years old, married her cousin, Abdul Rahman Nasr Muhammad Abdo (27 years old), six months ago and moved to live with him from Wasab Dhamar to Marib, before he started practicing violent physical torture against her until she died as a result That, last Wednesday.

The sources pointed out that the husband began torturing his wife with “burning, beating and electric shock” from the third month of marriage, until her death, as a result of internal bleeding in the head, according to the forensic report.
She added that the husband prevented his wife from communicating with her family or having any means of communication, or leaving the house for half a year of marriage, until she died while she was pregnant.

Later, the Ma’rib Governorate Police announced that the security services in the governorate were able to arrest the accused of torturing his wife until she died, with her fetus.
The police said in a statement that they were able to arrest the accused of killing his wife under torture.
The police added that the accused assaulted his wife with severe beating in all of her body, head and face, which led to her death.

The statement indicated that the accused committed the crime due to family differences, without mentioning more details.
The police confirmed that the security services seized the accused and deposited the victim’s body in the hospital refrigerator until the completion of the case file..

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