After the bombing and siege of Houthi … a mass displacement of dozens of families in Al -Jouf

After the bombing and siege of Houthi … a mass displacement of dozens of families in Al -Jouf

The Houthi terrorist militia forced dozens of families from the residents of the Berth Al -Marashi district in Al -Jawf Governorate, northeast of Yemen, to leave their homes and lands due to the siege imposed by the militia and the ongoing bombing of their homes for several days.

Local media said that the Houthi militia forced the “Dhul Muhammad” tribes in Al -Jawf Governorate to force and leave their lands by force, days after the fierce battles between the two parties, in which the militia used all its military power.

It quoted local sources that a collective displacement of the tribes of Zi Muhammad, in the Directorate of Bart Al -Marashi in Al -Jouf, with women and children after the siege of their homes by the Houthi militia and hit them by walking and various types of weapons.

For several days, the Houthi militia is striving to force by force “Wadi Muthan”, one of the largest agricultural valleys in Yemen, which is located between the provinces of Al -Jouf and Amran, and after that violent confrontations took place between the Houthi militia and the tribes of Sufyan in Amran on the one hand and the tribes of “Dhul Muhammad” in Al -Jouf on the other hand..

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