A sympathy for the poor and widows .. Who is John the mouth of the gold that the church celebrates today?

A sympathy for the poor and widows .. Who is John the mouth of the gold that the church celebrates today?

Christians celebrate the day of John Chrysostom or John the mouth of gold, (347–407 AD), and the Patriarch of Constantinople was famous as Qudais and Lahahiti, known as Greek as “golden mouth” for his eloquence, as he was the student of the famous rhetoric teacher Libyanus.

And John Chrysostom Antaki origin is a saint of all Christian denominations, and the Roman Catholic Church considers it one of the adults, meaning the title (Christomos) golden in the Greek language, and the golden mouth was one of the most productive authors in the early Christian church, and only Augustine from Hippo excelled in the quantity His remaining writings.

His sermons were famous for the “sermons of the statues” because the emperor of that era, Thiodosius, the Great when he worked as a big party for his son and it happened that the people complained and broke the statues, but the emperor was angry, and the people feared the emperor for his cruelty, so St. John took them to faith, and thus his sermons were known by this name the scope of the statues.

To the statue of the emperor and his son who wanted to celebrate the twelve years of a queen of rule and impose taxes on the people who then complained about it.

In September 397 AD, Nacharius, the bishop of Constantinople or its patriarch, fell, and the people met with the clergy, circulating a choice of his successor, and the attention looked at the royal court where the young Arcadius had taken over the east to succeed his father Thydosius, and Arcadius was a weak personality that his minister Rovinius dominated him, Then, Etreopius, the testicle, who became a minister, was strong, but rather the actual ruler of the Eastern Roman kingdom.

Atropius heard the priest John preaching in Antioch and admired him, to his nomination by Atropius John as a patriarch of Constantinople and thus the emperor declared the name, so the people had joy and joy and cheer the priests. But the people of Antioch did not leave him.

Atropius knew what the people of Antioch would be if they knew about his exit from their among them, so he sent to Victor Astrius, the leader of the East armies, telling him about the emperor, asking him to send the father to Constantinople from behind the people. Indeed, the governor called the father John, and he asked him to accompany him to visit some graves to the martyrs outside the city. As soon as the father crossed outside the walls, he was forcibly tolerated to Constantinople.

He was concerned with the poor, the needy, the virgins and the widows until he was bent in peace in the year 407 AD and then during the era of the ownership of the little son of King Arkadius, and in the year 437 AD he ordered the transfer of the body of this saint to Constantinople, where he was placed in the Church of the Apostles and the church was bound by this memorial on the twelfth of the month of Bashnas..

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