Do you feel tired after waking up? Here’s the reason

Do you feel tired after waking up? Here’s the reason

Even though they slept for eight hours straight or longer, many people report feeling extremely fatigued the moment they wake up. However, according to Dr. William von McCall, a psychiatrist and health behaviour expert, and a professor at the University of Augusta University in Georgia, sleep is not solely determined by the number of hours spent sleeping.

One spends almost a third of his life in bed, and if things go well, he will sleep during most of them, but some may not know how to measure the quality of sleep, and they may not have an accurate idea of ​​the period they already take to sleep, especially if they do not sleep well.

According to McCall, those who describe themselves as “sleeping well” are better at estimating how much sleep they get than those who describe themselves as “lacking sleep,” adding that the best indicator of sleep quality is how one feels the next day, which is a combination of sleep duration and efficiency.
Dr. McCole revealed that there are familiar signs that can be observed, such as controlling to get out of bed in the morning, feel lethargy, lack of focus or emotion in the afternoon.

These might also be signs of other medical conditions.
This may serve as yet another argument for the significance of identifying the source of any persistent daytime fatigue and seeking medical attention if necessary if symptoms do not subside or go away on their own.
A good sleep is much more than the time one spends in bed, as sleep comes in several frequent courses from four stages ranging from light to depth.

Hormones and other chemicals are released during deep sleep to repair and renew body parts.
The tissues of the body, the system to get rid of toxins and the harmful substances of health by the glyfavia system, which cleans the brain from unwanted proteins and other unwanted substances and toxins that accumulate during the day.

Fast eye movement, or REM, is the stage of sleep when most dreams happen, short-term memories are converted into long-term storage, and negative thoughts and emotions are dealt with and even disposed of. However, if sleep is interrupted at any point during the night, even if the person is unaware of it, it disrupts the processes mentioned above.

Do you feel tired after waking up? This is the rationale

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