Venezuela criticizes the European Union’s decision to extend the sanctions imposed on it

Venezuela criticizes the European Union’s decision to extend the sanctions imposed on it

The European Union’s decision to continue imposing sanctions on Venezuela for another year was criticised by the Venezuelan government on Saturday.

The European Union was unable to achieve its goal of toppling the Bolivarian government or separating our people from the political path outlined in our constitution, according to a statement released by the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “With this outdated decision, the intention is to insist on adopting a completely wrong strategy,” the statement read.

The Ministry denounced these actions, calling them “illegally implemented, premeditated to punish the Venezuelan people, and violating this people’s human rights on a large scale, as the sanctions will only limit access to food, medicine, and other necessities.

“We reject the insane policy of using these political extortion tools, which violate the fundamental principles of democracy and human rights and create a dangerous practise that violates the fundamental principles of international law and peaceful coexistence,” the statement read.

According to the ministry, Venezuelans “will continue to defend our sovereignty, based on our constitutional principles, and to confirm again at all times our independence that we have obtained more than 200 years ago.”
It is noteworthy that 36 people were prevented from entering the European Union as a result of the sanctions, which were imposed in 2017 and frozen their assets. It also imposed a ban on weapons and equipment that can be used in the repression of the country..

Venezuela objects to the European Union’s decision to continue imposing sanctions on it.

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