India seeks to reach an agreement in “Cup 27” to gradually get rid of all fossil fuels

India seeks to reach an agreement in “Cup 27” to gradually get rid of all fossil fuels

India wants nations to agree to gradually phase out all fossil fuels during the United Nations Summit on Climate Change being held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, according to two reliable sources, who spoke to Reuters today, Saturday. This is in contrast to the narrower agreement to gradually reduce coal that was reached last year.

The countries agreed in a cup 26 in Glasgow, Scotland last November, on a final final statement, and for the first time, the parties at the United Nations Climate Summit accelerate efforts towards “the gradual reduction in the energy that is surrounded by coal without stopping” targeting the most fossil fuel to pollute the environment.
According to the two sources, who requested anonymity so that their true identities could not be revealed, India wanted to extend this pledge to cover all fossil fuels.

He inquired in Cup 27 as to whether this was the Indian delegation’s position, and the spokesman responded, “We did not mention coal at all.”
The spokesman said that India indicated a report issued by the United Nations Climate Science Committee, which he said should reduce emissions to half by 2030 to achieve climate goals, and that this will require a significant reduction in the use of fossil fuels..

India aims to come to “Cup 27” with an agreement to gradually phase out all fossil fuels.

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