Cutting a programmer for electric current in Kyiv and 7 regions in the country

Cutting a programmer for electric current in Kyiv and 7 regions in the country

On Sunday, it was decided to use electric current feeding in Kyiv, the nation’s capital, as well as 7 other areas.
According to a statement made by the government energy company “Ocinergo” on its channel in the “Telegram,” planned interruptions will begin on November 13 in the following locations: Kyiv and the surrounding countryside, Chernev, Cherkasi, Ghettimer Sumi, Kharkiv, and Boltava.

Additionally, the closures are intended for the portion of the Kyiv Donbas that is under partial control, and it is made clear that there are no plans to stop streams in any other parts of Ukraine.
It’s important to note that those places’ energy suppliers experienced limits on their work yesterday, on Saturday.
Also, Ukraine experienced power outages on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Origin: Tas.

cutting an electric current programmer in Kyiv and seven other regions of the nation

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