French Foreign Minister threatens Italy with the consequences of her refusal to accept migrants

French Foreign Minister threatens Italy with the consequences of her refusal to accept migrants

Foreign Minister of France Catherine Colonna declared tighter border controls between France and Italy and warned the Italian government of the repercussions of her refusal to accept migrants.
If Italy continues in this regard, Cologne stated in an interview with the French newspaper “Le Parisien,” there will be repercussions. On our part, we suspended the mechanism of resettlement of immigrants from Italy and stressed the control of the border between France and Italy.

Rome needs to be reminded of its obligation to demonstrate humanity, according to Cologne.
According to “Politico,” the French President Emmanuel Macron was accused of treason by the Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni because of the situation involving the immigrants.

And he previously stated in a newspaper article: “After Rome refused to let the Ocean Viking ship, which was carrying immigrants on board, Paris froze its plans to receive 3,500 immigrants from Italy within the framework of the European Convention on the redistribution and called on other countries to follow their example.

The newspaper also noted that Meloni is currently in a position that threatens to harm Italy and isolate it, despite his pledge to defend national interests in Europe.
She continued by stating that Meloni had expressed surprise at the hostile response to the French government and that 90,000 immigrants had entered Italy this year.
Author: RT.

The French foreign minister warns Italy of the repercussions if she continues to reject migrants

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