Watch Biden thanks Colombia for holding a summit instead of Cambodia

Watch Biden thanks Colombia for holding a summit instead of Cambodia

Joe Biden, the American president, used foul language today, on Saturday, and this time it was more severe than before. not Colombia, but Cambodia.
The ASEAN president, Hun Sen, the prime minister of Cambodia, said, “Now that we have gathered here once more in Cambodia, I look forward to building greater progress even than we have already achieved, and I would like to thank the Prime Minister of Colombia for his leadership, as a president ASEAN to host all of us.

While his supporters claim that he overcame a stuttering as a child and that he has been improving public speeches for decades, Biden’s detractors, particularly those connected to the Republican Party, focused on his rhetorical traps and a propensity to stray from the text on public occasions.

Watch Biden express gratitude to Colombia for hosting a summit rather than Cambodia.

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