326 people were killed, including dozens of children … the death toll of Iran’s protests

326 people were killed, including dozens of children … the death toll of Iran’s protests

According to the Human Rights Organization in Iran, which is based in Oslo, at least 326 people have died in the effort to put an end to the protests that have been taking place in Iran since September.
“At least 326 people, including 43 children and 25 women, were killed by security forces during demonstrations throughout the country,” the organization said in a statement published on its website.

She also emphasised that she is still valid despite not accounting for a “large number of reported deaths.”
The group discussed the deaths of 304 people last week.
The outcome of this organization includes the dead in Sistan Baluchistan Governorate (southeast), which is adjacent to Pakistan, who are not less than 123 people, according to its numbers.

The group acknowledges that more than 90 people lost their lives during the “bloody Friday” protest that took place in Zahedan on September 30.
For his part, the director of the organization, Mahmoud Amiri, called on the international community to work to end the repression in Iran.

He said, “The establishment of an international investigation and accountability mechanism by the United Nations will facilitate the process of holding the perpetrators in the future and increases the cost of continuous repression on the Iranian regime. ”
It is interesting to note that since September 16th, Iran has experienced the death of Muhsa Amini, 22, days after its arrest by the Ethics Police for failing to adhere to the strict dress codes.

More than 2,000 detainees were charged in various ways by the judiciary.
While the Iranian authorities adopted a set of methods in an attempt to suppress the protests that have impossible to challenge the regime since 1979..

326 people were killed, including dozens of children … the number of fatalities in Iran’s protests

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