Climate being influenced by a climate: There is hope for a breakthrough on the issue of losses and damage

Climate being influenced by a climate: There is hope for a breakthrough on the issue of losses and damage

When a climate-affected forum is hopeful about a breakthrough, negotiators from developed and developing countries alike withdrew the strings for dominance, which is what happened at the twenty-seventh conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or “COP 27,” which is currently taking place in Sharm El Sheikh.

The Ghanaian Daily Graphic newspaper wrote on its website that despite the lively debate surrounding this issue, people are optimistic that there will be relief at the end of the dark tunnel.
The forum (headed by Ghanaian President Nana Adu Dankua Akovo-Udo, which includes 58 countries vulnerable to climate and a total population of 1. 5 billion people) stated that he is firm in demand for sustainable financing for losses and damages.

Dr. Henry Kwabina Kokovo, the President of the Forum and the Special Envoy of the Agency, stated in statements to the newspaper that the Forum was adamant in his demand for a “full and dedicated source of funding” for losses and damages brought on by climate change.

“We took a position on losses and damages,” he continued, “and we do not believe that being a topic on the agenda alone is sufficient. We want to see something more realistic than that, something exceeding the $ 100 billion that developed countries pledged.
The loss and damage agreed upon in Cope 27 was mentioned, and he said that “the forum is optimistic that there will be a breakthrough, we do not look at the impossible but rather focus on the possibilities.

The president of the forum and other leaders were keen to pressure heavily and feel mixed feelings from developed countries, and for this reason Some pledges and some obligations were also made for that. ”
He continued by saying that the African leaders were pursuing climate justice more so through legal means, adding: “It is unacceptable that despite contributing only 4% of the world’s emissions, Africa is suffering the most from the effects of climate change.

He stressed that “the matter is not related to the request to alms or beg for the charity, but rather we clarify the real damages that caused the economies of less developed countries, infrastructure, people and the ability to adapt to climate change. ”
He claimed that developed nations hold less developed nations, particularly those in Africa, accountable for providing adequate compensation for the detrimental effects of the climate crisis on the continent.

The conference of states parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or “COP27,” is being held in Sharm El Sheikh and will last until November 18. This is a significant opportunity to consider the effects of climate change in developing nations generally and Africa in particular, as well as to implement what was agreed upon in the Paris 2015 Agreement, activate the recommendations made at the Glasgow 2021 conference, and mobilise to combat the effects of climate change.


There is potential for a breakthrough on the problem of losses and damage due to climate change.

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