Kingston, Ont. students hold Remembrance Day ceremony at Cataraqui Cemetery

Kingston, Ont. students hold Remembrance Day ceremony at Cataraqui Cemetery

On November 11th, a memorial service was held at the Cataraqui cemetery. This one was particularly targeted at local students.
The Last Post, the honour guard, and the laying of wreaths took place.
The annual ceremony at the Cataraqui cemetery is purposefully focused on the 140 students in attendance.

According to Dave Donovan, chair of the Day of Remembrance Veterans Committee, “it’s an event that tries to instil in the students a need to remember the veterans.”
The students, many of whom had or currently have serving family members, were affected by the hour-long service.
According to Lily Foyers, a student in grade 7, “It really hurts families when they don’t get to see their other family members for a very long time.” “And I can’t picture losing anyone in my family overseas due to violence.

“Now that we live in peace and freedom, I think it’s important that we recognise these people, said Grade 7 student Zara Sajjad. “It’s important to recognise these people who have done so much for us.
“Both my father and his grandfather served in the military. One was in World War II and the other was in Afghanistan, and they both hold it in high regard, according to Grade 8 student Haydam Belear.
This also involved writing a response to Flanders Fields for two students.

The Grade 8 student Alexandra Wowk said, “It was a symbol for so many people who gave their lives and people who want to recognise and pay their respect to those veterans and soldiers.”
Students planted flags in front of the 900 plots in this cemetery as part of the ceremony that day.
“We ask them to after they place the flag, to step back and read the name on the tombstone out loud and it brings it a little more personal,” Dave Donovan said.

Additionally, it gives the students a chance to consider the price paid by everyone in the military.

Students from Kingston, Ontario conduct a ceremony honouring veterans at Cataraqui Cemetery.

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