In light of what they refer to as a “troubling” report that was first published by Global News that China is allegedly targeting Canada with a massive campaign of foreign interference, members of parliament are asking for an urgent House of Commons committee meeting.
The Plan was announced by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Wednesday in Vancouver at a press conference. Conservative MP Michael Cooper, the Shadow Minister for Democratic Reform, tweeted about the official request.

Cooper shared the Wednesday letter that NDP MP Rachel Blaney and Bloc Quebecois MP Marie-Hélène Gaudreau co-signed and sent to the head of the standing committee on procedure and house affairs. Committees must have a meeting within five days after receiving a written request from at least four members.
The letter requests a meeting to “determine how the committee should respond” to the report’s allegations of interference as soon as possible, but not on November 11 for Remembrance Day.

Global News reported on Monday that Canadian Intelligence Officials Have Warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau That China Has Allegedly Been Targeting Canada With A Vast Campaign of Foreign Interference, which includes founding a clandestine network of at least 11 federal candidates running in the 2019 election. Worldwide News Sources

The allegations included additional specific examples of Beijing’s efforts to further its influence and, in turn, undermine Canada’s democratic process, according to sources. They were delivered to the prime minister and a number of cabinet members in a series of briefings and memos that were first presented in January.

Based on Recent Information from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Those Efforts Allegedly Involve Payments this Option and Corrupt Former Canadian Officials to Gain Sillow in Ottawa, and Mounting Aggressive Campaigns to Punish Canadian Politicians Whom The People’s Republic of China (PRC) views as threats to its interests.
On Wednesday, Poilievre charged that since learning of China’s purported interference efforts in January, Trudeau had failed to take any action.

On Tuesday, the Conservatives demonstrated in support of a “Robust Plan” to combat alleged Chinese foreign interference.
The Procedure and House Affairs Committee is looking into foreign interference in elections and held a public hearing with representatives of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) on November 1.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) deputy director of operations, Michelle Tessier, then stated that the spy agency is “increasingly concerned” about China’s attempts to influence Canadian politics.
“They are an actor in Foreign Interference, and we have said that publicly… that we are concertned about the activities regagding threats anti -instal the security of Canada, including foreign interference by the chinese commune party,” Tessier Told MPS.

However, Cooper’s office stated that in order to ensure that the most recent allegations are on the agenda, an emergency meeting is required.
In Response to Global News ’Report, Trudeau Said Monday That China Is Playing“ Aggressive Games ”with Democracies.

“We have taken significant measures to strengthen the integrity of Our Elections Processions and Our Systems, and We’ll continue to invest in the Fight Against Election Interference, Against Foreign Interference of Our Democracy and Institutions,” Trudeau Told Reporters in Montreal.
“Unfortunately, we are witnessing nations and state actors from all over the world, including China, continue to engage in aggressive games with our institutions and democracies.

Melanie Joly, the federal government’s minister of foreign affairs, said on Wednesday that it “will do more to tackle foreign interference.
We Refuse to Have Any Foreign Actor Interfere with Our Democracy. “She Said,” period.
China is not interested in Canada’s internal affairs, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry stated on Tuesday.
– With Documents from Aaron D’A Andrea, Sam Cooper, and Rachel Gilmore.


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