Borussia Dortmund falls in front of Wolfsburg

Borussia Dortmund falls in front of Wolfsburg

The Borussia Dortmund team suffered an impressive defeat against its host Wolfsburg (0-2) in their match today, at the opening of the 14th round of the German Football League.
German striker Lucas Nikisha and Dutch defender Mickey Van de Din both scored goals in the next two minutes, respectively (9 and 90).

Borussia Dortmund suffered its first loss following three straight victories, bringing its score to 25 points. As of right now, and pending the results of the remaining games in this round, it is currently ranked fourth in the “Bundesliga” league table.
While waiting for the results of the remaining games in this round, Wolfsburg won for the third time in a row, raising its score to 20 points and moving up to eighth place on the periodic ranking.
Source: RT.

Borussia Dortmund loses to Wolfsburg in front of them

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