Yemen Information Minister: The Houthis convert state employees into “Basij”

Yemen Information Minister: The Houthis convert state employees into “Basij”

Muammar Al-Iryani, the information minister for Yemen, claimed on Tuesday that the Houthi group had converted government employees into “Basij” in a manner akin to that of Iran.
According to Al-Iryani, the so-called “job behaviour code” that the Houthi group has issued and plans to implement in the areas under its control is a “collective punishment for hundreds of thousands of state employees.

The blog “aims to swap state employees between joining cultural courses and adhering to the calls for mobilization, mobilisation and compulsory recruitment of fighting, and engaging in sectarian activities and rituals imported from Iran, or separating from the job,” Al-Iryani continued.

The Yemeni Minister of Information urged the world to denounce what he called “the practises and endeavours of the Houthis to fill the state and reproduce the Khomeinist revolution, which threatens to blow up any opportunities to bring peace.”

This comes after the Houthi militia issued what it called “Code of Career and Ethics of Labor in Public Service Units”, according to which strict instructions for government employees arranged for years for years in their areas of control restricted their access to social media and media.
The new blog specifically designated a section for handling the media and social media controls.

The Houthi instructions stressed the government employees “not to make the media or publishing in social communication fluids, with any information or the advancement of any documents, documents, or the suspicion, or the intervention, or the intervention in any special issues related to the general service units and the violation of the public orientation and the interests of the highest. within the state.

According to the blog, employees of the government are not permitted to publish statements, letters, materials, or information that are inconsistent with Islam’s transcendence and values, the state’s general policy, or the public system. The blog also states that employees of the government are not permitted to issue data or information that opposes the group and the authority that it represents.

The Houthis forced government workers to boycott the media, which they deemed “hostile and suspicious,” and imposed on them the necessity of warning them, and forbade them from publishing any administrative and practical problems, or even dealing with them on social media.

Each employee must sign and abide by it, and administrative officials are responsible for placing it in the employee’s file, compiling reports on the extent of these employees’ implementation, and connecting them to salaries, bonuses, and promotions.

Minister of Information for Yemen: The Houthis turn state workers into “Basij”

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