The Basij begins to target German diplomats

The Basij begins to target German diplomats

Tehran – The Basij militia, which was involved in putting an end to the peaceful protests in Iran, demanded that the authorities escalate their actions against German diplomats and not just call the ambassador to express their displeasure. They accused the diplomats of being enemies and warned against inciting people to target them.

“With the evidence of the dangerous role of several embassies in the recent turbulence, particularly Germany and Britain,” the militia said in an open letter to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, according to Faris Agency.
The militia declared in its message that “the state is required to combat” the adversaries dressed in diplomatic garb, opening the door to the possibility of targeting Western diplomats and breaking international law and diplomatic standards.

“Is it sufficient to just call the ambassador in an atmosphere directed at national security with overt acts by these embassies? “, the question goes. Militia inquired.
The militia’s message raises many speculation about targeting diplomatic missions in a repeat of the incident of storming the famous American embassy in 1979, which raises Western powers’ concerns about the repetition of these violations.

The Basij militia, which was founded after the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, plays an important role in Iran’s political decisions. It is regarded as a paramilitary unit that strengthens its influence in the last two decades of its strong relations with the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, despite the fact that it did not specify the quality of the procedure that the Foreign Ministry wants to take against Berlin.

These militias participated in the use of disproportionate force to put down past demonstrations or engaged in terrorist activities, which led the United States and some Gulf states to label them as terrorist organisations and place sanctions on some of their leaders.

Due to Berlin’s support of peaceful rallies in several Iranian towns and the murder of the girl Muhtasin who was arrested at a police station for disobeying the Islamic uniform, the Basij militia is pressing for action against the German embassy.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the German ambassador to Tehran, Hans-Audo Motsel, last month as a result of remarks made by the foreign minister of that nation, Analina Perbuk, who said that Germany would likely impose restrictions on top of the sanctions that the European Union had approved.

The German Foreign Ministry urged its citizens to leave the country last week, citing the risks of “arbitrary detention,” interrogation, and lengthy prison sentences.
German cities witnessed wide marches in support of the Iranian protests, while the German government pressed for new sanctions due to suspicions of Tehran’s suspicions of marches to the Russian army in its invasion of Ukraine..

Beginning to target German diplomats is the Basij

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