A Russian weapons warehouse explosion of Makhson .. and Kiev: Russia incurred heavy losses in Ukraine

A Russian weapons warehouse explosion of Makhson .. and Kiev: Russia incurred heavy losses in Ukraine

Today, Tuesday, the Russian military operation in Ukraine is still ongoing. Russian army troops are attempting to completely annex Ukrainian territory and strike the positions of the forces, while Kyiv continues to move to reclaim its lands and rally Western backing against the Russian bear.

According to the most recent field reports, a Russian weapons storehouse detonated in Jacon before daybreak, and nine Ukrainians who were planning assaults in Jiason were detained by Russian Federal Security, according to the “Arab” and “Al-Hadath” correspondents.
While adding that Moscow is bolstering its soldiers in Jiusson with a combat battalion from Chechnya, the Ukrainian army reminded Al-Arabiya that Russia is suffering significant losses within Ukrainian territory.

The Ukrainian forces added to Al -Arabiya that the Russian forces are carrying out arbitrary measures between the population in Zaburigia.
The development comes as Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski demanded that Russia be forced into sincere negotiations. He also emphasised that the Russian army suffered significant losses on the Donetsk front and that its forces are making progress in some regions of the east and south, forcing those who have been referred to as the “invaders” to retreat.

“Generally, our forces in the front are in an active defensive, and in some parts of the East and South, we steadily pushing the enemy back step by step while we march forward,” continued Zellinski.
On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that tens of thousands of recruits in addition to 50,000 combatants had not yet taken part in military operations in Ukraine.

According to Putin, “We currently have roughly 50,000 components in the fighting groups, while the remaining recruits have not yet taken part in the combat actions.
The Russian Ministry of Defense took a rare step yesterday, Monday, and denied reports that a naval unit incurred heavy loss of lives and equipment in a virtual attack in eastern Ukraine.

The 155th Unit of the Pacific Fleet complained about its inclusion in a “mysterious” strike on Ukrainian forces southwest of Donetsk, according to a reaction from the ministry to what Russian military bloggers claimed was an open letter from the brigade.
The Gray Zone Blog, a well-known military blog, was published in the study.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Defense, which the Russian official media outlet cited, it had rejected the bloggers’ claims that the naval infantry unit had suffered “major losses behind them in life and equipment.”
The ministry was also quoted by the agency as saying that the unit had pushed five kilometres inside Ukrainian defensive positions in the previous ten days.
Particularly, the Ministry refuted claims that the brigade leaders shown inefficiency.

Russia suffered significant losses in Ukraine as a result of the explosion of a Russian weapons storage near Makhson and Kiev.

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