Trump: We are now in the world of communism

Trump: We are now in the world of communism

The legal actions taken against political rivals by the Biden administration, in the opinion of former US President Donald Trump, show that the country has gone toward communism while the Democrats have been in power.
Trump made this statement while addressing his fans in Ohio, where he is scheduled to make his 2024 presidential bid announcement. We have security agency representatives because of an agreement we made with you 23 years ago. Everything has previously been sold five times.

Although these are sick, we must endure them. Stop it because communism is about to take hold.
Added him: “I believe we have moved beyond socialism. I predicted socialism, but it’s already gone, and I believe this occurred about a year ago. We currently live in a communist society.”
He continued by saying that the Democratic Party’s policies have caused the United States to become a “third world country.”
Origin: Tas.

Trump: We are now living in a communist society.

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