A rare version of gold for the Holy Quran at the Sharjah Gallery dates back to the century .. Pictures and video

A rare version of gold for the Holy Quran at the Sharjah Gallery dates back to the century .. Pictures and video

As one of the most significant and priceless exhibitions that drew the attention of visitors and books of books, a gilded and unique version of the Holy Quran was presented in the halls of the Sharjah International Book Fair in 2022. It penned every word on paper made of gold.

As it is displayed by the Austrian “Adifa” corner, which also showcases a number of masterpieces of Islamic calligraphy and ancient historical maps, this particular version is one of the earliest copies of the Holy Quran still in existence.
The Sharjah Book Fair’s Pure Gold Quran
Given that its leaves are made of pure gold, this replica is also historic and unique. It was discovered in the Iraqi state and is considered one of the country’s creative artefacts.

A copy of the Holy Quran made of pure gold that was painted on all of its pages dates back to the thirteenth century. Struzel said there are only 10 copies of this edition, and each one costs 500 thousand dirhams. He added that one copy was already sold in the first few days of the exhibition. Struzel explained that this work of art derives its value from its return to ancient times.

A gold-plated replica of the Holy Qur’an
In addition to this Qur’anic translation, he continued, “the Adiva pavilion has a number of ancient manuscripts, as well as marine maps dating back to the Middle Ages, including a map of the ancient world, a map of the continent of Africa, as well as a map of the Turkish empire,” highlighting how these manuscripts are of significant technical and historical value. Some people want to buy it as a hobby because they love old artefacts.

At the Sharjah Gallery, a precious form of gold for the Holy Quran dates back to the previous century. both images and video

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