Germany is repeated: Work is underway to impose new sanctions on Iran

Germany is repeated: Work is underway to impose new sanctions on Iran

News from Al-Madinah: Germany has formally announced that new sanctions will be placed on those responsible for putting an end to the ongoing protests in Iran two months ago, as various sources had previously indicated.
Today, Monday, a government spokeswoman for Germany announced that preparations are being made to apply a set of fresh penalties.

According to Reuters, he also said that the European Union must decide how to treat the Revolutionary Guards because of their involvement in the country’s continuing protests.
The Revolutionary Guards were being looked at by Berlin and the Union, according to last week’s statement from foreign minister Analina Perbuk.

It is noteworthy that the foreign ministers of the European Union approved sanctions against several Iranian officials late last month (October), including the commander of the “Ethics Police,” for their participation in the regime’s campaign of repression against the protests that have erupted across the nation ever since Muhsa Amini was killed after being apprehended by the Ethics Police.

In addition to the harsh laws imposed by the regime and its political makeup generally, the death of this young woman has stoked the fire of anger over a number of issues, including the limitations placed on individual freedoms and stringent rules relating to women’s attire, as well as the living and economic crisis that the Iranian people experience.

While the security and political authorities purposefully used methods of repression and violence, including blocking Internet access, shooting protesters with live ammunition, and arresting university students and even young children, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 300 people thus far, per human rights organisations.

Last Saturday, Revolutionary Guard Commander Hussein Salami swore to the protesters who took to the streets that this day would mark the end of the mayhem that he had previously depicted.

Germany is stated again: Work is underway to impose new sanctions on Iran

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