3 towers that do not quit what harms her and is ready to continue in a toxic relationship.. most notably the Taurus

3 towers that do not quit what harms her and is ready to continue in a toxic relationship.. most notably the Taurus

When a person realises that he is in a toxic relationship, whether it be a romantic one or a friendship, the first step he takes is to close this page, avoid him, and treat him with complete disregard. However, some people choose to stay in these relationships, donning dark glasses to conceal the flaws of the person they are with. They cannot separate themselves from what harms them; rather, they cling to it, and three skyscrapers, according to the Bustle website, fit these criteria:
Taurus is a remarkable lover and a great life partner since he is loyal to those around him.

Since he likewise yearns for stability and protection, even if it is fictitious, his loyalty can compel him to maintain a toxic emotional connection, subjecting him to psychological harm over time.

Libra constantly strives for stability and balance in his life, so he does not consider leaving the toxic partner. Instead, he prefers to put up with him until his life is in balance rather than leaving him and feeling lonely or unsatisfied. As a result, Libra works tirelessly to make his life partner better so that he can live with him and maintain his stability.

Pisces is characterised by romance and sincerity, and these traits drive him to stay in a toxic emotional relationship and endure its psychological harm. In addition, his constant immersion in fantasies and daydreams serves as an escape from reality and leads him to believe that his life is idyllic with the beloved, which is the exact opposite of what actually occurs and which the whale refuses to accept.

Three towers, especially the Taurus, are prepared to carry on in a destructive relationship and won’t stop doing what hurts her.

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