The occupation forces storm a school in the West Bank and arrest 3 Palestinians

The occupation forces storm a school in the West Bank and arrest 3 Palestinians

Today, Sunday, the Israeli occupation soldiers arrested three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, while a force affiliated with it stormed a school in “Nablus” and threatened students and teachers to shoot them.
According to Palestinian reports, two young men from the town of Silwan, which is located south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, were detained after their homes in the “Ain Al-Luza” area were invaded and searched.

According to the sources, the occupying soldiers attacked the southern part of the West Bank city of “Hebron” and detained a resident after searching and raiding his home.

An Israeli army force stormed the “Al-Laban Al-Sawiya” secondary school twice in less than an hour in the northern “Nablus” governorate, which is under siege and narrowing by the occupation. The occupation soldiers threatened to close the school and attacked teachers and students, accusing them of throwing stones at them.

It is important to note that the occupation, which places its soldiers on the road leading to the “Al-Laban Al-Sawiya” school in a way that prevents kids and teachers from getting there, has closed the school more than once.

Three Palestinians are detained when the Israeli forces raid a school in the West Bank.

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