Human marches in Tehran … and security releases gas in Isfahan

Human marches in Tehran … and security releases gas in Isfahan

On Sunday, demonstrators in Isfahan in the country’s centre were gassed with tear gas by police personnel in Iran. “Iran International TV” reports.
Additionally, it stated that as protesters in the nation’s capital, Tehran, sang anti-regime chants, rioters in the western city of Senndge set fire to the streets.

Videos emerged of demonstrators marching through Tehran’s “Hafat Basin” district while yelling anti-regime slogans like “Kurdistan to Zahedan. My soul is a redemption for Iran.”
The security forces allegedly fired protestors in the western nation’s Kurdish city of Mariwan earlier today, according to the broadcaster.

Iran has been witnessing protests in separate areas for several weeks, amid accusations of the police of killing the young woman, Muhsa Amini, after being arrested for wearing a veil that the authorities considered “inappropriate”.
According to reports, protests throughout the nation have not subsided since Amini was assassinated on September 16, 2022, three days after she was detained by the Ethics Police.

Her passing has since stoked the flames of resentment over a number of issues, including the limitations placed on individual freedoms and stringent regulations regarding women’s attire, as well as the living and economic crisis that the Iranian people experience, without even mentioning the extremist laws imposed by the system of government and its overall political and religious makeup.
While the demonstrators were fiercely resisted by the security forces, who also arrested hundreds and killed scores of them.

314 protesters, including 47 kids, were slain in the unrest up until Friday, according to human rights activists (Herna). At least 14,170 people, including 392 students, were arrested in those protests that came out in 136 cities, town and 134 universities..

Security releases gas in Isfahan while protesters march in Tehran.

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