For the first time in November … a temperature exceeds 23 records in Canadian Quebec

For the first time in November … a temperature exceeds 23 records in Canadian Quebec

According to the Ministry of Environment, the temperature in Montreal, Canada, topped 23 degrees Celsius at an extraordinary rate of more than 15 degrees above normal.
According to the ministry, the previous record was set on November 10, 2020, when the temperature reached 22. 4 degrees.
Since we began keeping track of data, this is the first time we have had a similar temperature in November; it is a record, according to Dominic Martel, a meteorologist with the Canadian Ministry of the Environment.

The previous benchmark was set in November 1948 when a 21. 7 degree temperature was recorded.
Due to a warm air block from the southern United States, temperatures have progressively risen since the start of the week.
The heat wave won’t stay long, according to Patrick Doblisis, MITTEDIDA TV’s meteorologist, as “a transition to the winter is likely to occur in mid-November.”

The first snowfall of the season could occur in Montreal and the surrounding areas at a time when the temperature is close to zero degrees Celsius.
Canada announced that it will participate in the meeting of the twenty -seventh session of the parties in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COB 27, to be held today in Sharm El -Sheikh in Egypt with the aim of supporting the successful and ambitious results that are in line with the goals Paris long -term agreement..

For the first time in November, a temperature in Canadian Quebec breaks 23 records.

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