From figs to cow’s milk .. 5 foods that help enhance fertility in women

From figs to cow’s milk .. 5 foods that help enhance fertility in women

Many couples struggle with infertility. Fortunately, there are certain natural methods—such as altering one’s diet and lifestyle—that can increase a woman’s fertility. Both men and women should keep a healthy weight, and if you want to get pregnant, here is a list of items to avoid. suggested by the nutritionist Lofnit Patra, who claims that it will increase fertility and make pregnancy simpler.
Food to increase fertility in women

The first unusual food on the list of nutritionists is figs, which are well-known for their ability to decrease insulin levels and may also be helpful in treating PCOS, a condition that affects fertility.

Pomegranate Pomegranate is full of antioxidants and other essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and more, can help folic acid and zinc in the pomegranate in promoting fertility in both men and women, it helps you get rid of free radicals known to cause harm to both egg cells Fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, and sperm are all rich in beneficial antioxidants.

Quoted from studies, nutrition expert Lofnett Patra says: “Zinc, very rich in cashew nuts, is necessary for a strong body in addition to increased fertility, regardless of cashews, you can also include lentils, chickpeas, oatmeal, curd and dark chocolate in your diet.

Although a little cinnamon might improve the flavour of your tea, did you know that including cinnamon in your diet can improve fertility? The metabolism is given an enhanced boost by these spices, and they also control menstruation flow naturally.

Surf milk
The nutritionist Lofnett Patra recommends A2 to increase fertility as well as during pregnancy, and dairy products contain good amounts of saturated fat, which play a major role in increasing fertility, in addition, it also contains fat -soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and Vitamin E Vitamins D, K, and K2 are all important.

Five foods, ranging from figs to cow’s milk, can increase a woman’s fertility.

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