The United Nations urges a mask to respect Twitter for human rights

The United Nations urges a mask to respect Twitter for human rights

News from Al-Madinah: In an open message published on Saturday, Volcker Turk, the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, and Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, called to ensure respect for the social network of human rights.
“Like other businesses, Twitter must recognise the harm caused by its platform and take action to rectify it. Human rights must respect the safety barrier in relation to the use and development of the platform.

In a nutshell, I ask you to make sure that under your direction, human rights become a top priority at Twitter “.
Turk stated in his message that the revelations regarding the platform’s whole human rights staff “were not, in my view, was not a good start.
The United Nations Commissioner said “alarm and concern about our public digital space and Twitter’s place in it.

Additionally, it was posted by posting an open message on Twitter, where it had more than 25,000 followers.
The protection of freedom of expression, privacy, and ensuring transparency are just a few of the six fundamental human rights norms that the Commissioner listed and asked Mask to implement in the Twitter management.

As part of the platform’s overhaul of the verification system under the direction of its new owner, Elon Musk, Twitter introduced a membership service on Saturday for $8 per month to earn the blue mark of the verified accounts.
In an update of the iOS system on Apple devices, Twitter announced that the users who “share now” can get a blue verification mark next to their names, “just like celebrities, companies and politicians.

” In a tweet, Musk mocked the readiness of Twitter users to pay 8 dollars for a coffee drink, and their resentment of paying the same amount to keep the blue mark.
Four days before the midterm elections, on Friday, Musk began separating hundreds of Twitter employees, including those on the teams responsible for the American elections and updating the platform’s content.

On Friday, there were a tonne of tweets from the podium, and several workers used hashtags to spread the word as other workers claimed they had been left behind.
In higher departments including public policy, trust, safety, communications, engineering, marketing, and human resources, many people who had previously been demobilised had previously worked.

Twitter is urged by the United Nations to uphold human rights

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