Athens are officially protesting … the detention of the governor of a Greek region for several hours in Turkey

Athens are officially protesting … the detention of the governor of a Greek region for several hours in Turkey

On Saturday, Athens declared that it had formally protested to Turkey about the “detention” of the head of a Greek region who had been in the nation for a short while.
The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: “We categorically condemn the unacceptable and arbitrary detention, and the Turkish authorities in Izmir rejected the entry of the Central Macedonian ruler.

“We invite the responsible Turkish authorities to take the required steps to prevent the recurrence of such occurrences in the future,” she continued. “We are waiting for the competent Turkish authorities to provide timely explanations.”
Apostolus Tzitzikostas, the country’s supreme leader, is travelling to Izmir to take part in the gathering of the local and regional communities.

The information available in Athens indicated that he was prevented from entering Turkish territory upon arrival at the port of that city, and waited in an office for a period of six hours.
Months of violence between Greece and Turkey have been made worse by regional animosities, the immigration debate, and the exploitation of gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean.

The conflict also made the remarks made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other top officials, who questioned the agreements defining Greek territory in the Aegean Sea, seem even more outrageous.

Officially, Athens is denouncing the hours-long detention of the Greek region’s governor in Turkey.

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