The Seven Years War .. Was the first world war that the world has known in the modern era?

The Seven Years War .. Was the first world war that the world has known in the modern era?

Today marks the 265th anniversary of the triumph of the Russian army under the command of Emperor Friedrich II against the largest French armies, which perished on November 5, 1757, in the “Battle of Rosbash” during their seven-year struggle.
And the Bomraniya War, sometimes known as the Seven Years’ War, was a conflict that lasted from 1756 to 1763. In the battle against France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Saxony, Britain, Russia, and Hanover all took part.

Following the invasion on one of the United Dutch provinces’ troops in India, Spain and Portugal joined the conflict. The Paris Treaty of 1763 marked the end of the war, which had made Britain the world’s most important colonial power at the expense of France and established the new Borussia Center as a superpower.
The seven-year conflict, which included America and India and lasted from 1756 to 1763 AD, involved almost all of the European nations.

Across order to rule Germany, a war between Austria and Russia erupted in Europe. France assisted Austria, while Britain offered assistance to Russia. For control of the North American waters and lands, Britain fought France. The majority of Celeezia remained under Prussian control in accordance with the terms of peace that were agreed upon in “Hubartburg” in Bakkir in 1763, while some other boundaries stayed unchanged from before the war began. In Europe, there were no regional variations.

On February 10, 1763, the Paris Treaty put an end to the conflict between France, Spain, and Great Britain. The majority of France’s possessions in North America were taken by Britain during the seven-year conflict, and France also abandoned its empire in India.
The Seven Years War, which started over 160 years before the First World War and was known as the Great War before the start of World War II, may have been the first major conflict that had an international impact.

The conflict, according to Winston Churchill, “not only restructured the European political system but also affected events around the world, which paved the way for the beginning of Britain’s superiority over the world later in the nineteenth century, and the rise of Prussia in Germany (in the end, it replaced Austria as a leading German), the beginning of tensions in North British America, as well as a clear indication of revolutionary turmoil in Fr.”

Seven Years’ War. Was the first world war that the world has known in the modern era?

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