The chlorine and the most prominent air fresheners … toxic things at home endangering your child

The chlorine and the most prominent air fresheners … toxic things at home endangering your child

The mother must recognise such things and prevent the child from coming into contact with them in order to preserve the child’s health, according to the report published through “Webmed” and Healthline. It is known that the child’s exposure to chemical birthdays is one of the things that are harmful to his health and may increase the chances of poisoning or God cannot die.

Chlorine: Because it includes hazardous chemicals that expose children to the aforementioned items, it should be kept out of reach of young children. This is because touching the child’s skin while using chlorine can cause irritation of the nose, skin, eyes, and throat.

Chemicals included in carpet cleaning products, furniture, and other items should be avoided by children since they may raise their risk of developing cancer or cirrhosis and cause nausea and dizziness.
– Air freshener: Using it on a regular basis can be bad for a child’s health. When these smells are emitted in the air, the food provided to the child may be performed and exposed to the risk of poisoning, so avoid dealing with it.

– Washing powder is broken down by: And coming into contact with him puts the youngster at a high risk for exposure to toxins or respiratory conditions like asthma.
The report gave advice, which should avoid placing the child with these things, and the goal is to maintain public health, limit and avoid developing any health problems related to this matter, in order to maintain the health of the child..

The chlorine and the most popular air fresheners are among the harmful items in your home that put your youngster in danger.

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