Blinken: Russia seeks to make the Ukrainians “freeze” from the cold

Blinken: Russia seeks to make the Ukrainians “freeze” from the cold

News from Al-Madinah: On Friday, the United States accused Russia of wanting to make the Ukrainians “freeze” this winter since it is unable to defeat Russia militarily.
At the Group of Seven summit, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that Russia was trying to make up for its losses by attacking critical infrastructure and subjecting Ukraine by causing its people to “freeze” from the cold.

Ukraine denounced the “forced collective deportation” of its citizens to its eastern regions, which are either under Russian authority or are Russia itself.
For his part, the international community has doubled the initiatives to try to force Moscow to stop its attack, starting with German Chancellor Olaf Schultz, who asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to use his “influence” to pressure the Kremlin to the group of seven, which was repeated in Monster, Germany, its fixed support for Kiev.

The foreign ministers of the seven industrialised nations concurred to create a “coordination mechanism” to assist Ukraine in repairing the recent bombings of its water and electricity distribution systems, as well as “defence” against them. They also agreed to provide water pumps, heaters, housing containers, toilets, beds, blankets, and tents.
To allow farmers to continue producing despite the violence, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced that step.

The Jacon Battle
During a ceremony marking the day of the Russian national unity in the Red Square in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: “By continuously providing Ukraine with weapons and sending mercenaries to it, the West achieves its geopolitical goals that are not related to the interests of the Ukrainian people,” stressing that this also aims at “Russia’s weakening, dismantling and destroying it.

Putin continued: “The inhabitants of Jesson should be relocated away from the most hazardous battle zones. Attacks such as bombings, assaults, counterattacks, or other types of attacks shouldn’t harm the civilian population.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the other hand, stated that “the Russian occupation administration has begun forced mass deportations for the residents of this region” and that “similar deportations are taking place in the provinces of Zaburigia (south), Logansk and Donetsk (east), as well as in the Crimea.”
The Russians declared last week that 70,000 people had been relocated to the left bank of the Dnieb, where Moscow would have better control over the situation.

More than 5,000 “civilians” had been evacuated from the area, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Friday.

Blinken: Russia wants to cause the cold to cause the Ukrainians to “freeze”

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