He shouted with a racist phrase … a strict punishment for a French -right -wing French deputy

He shouted with a racist phrase … a strict punishment for a French -right -wing French deputy

News from Al-Madinah: Today, Friday, the French National Assembly punished, as a deputy for the National Rally Party, from the extreme right, by temporarily preventing him from entering Parliament, and reducing what it received after his cry, saying “Go back to Africa” ​​when a black deputy was speaking during a session.

The punishment is the most stringent in Parliament, and it means depriving Gregwar de Furnas, a member of the National Rally led by Marine Le Pen, from half of his money during two months, and preventing him from attending parliamentary sessions for 15 days.
Yael Brown-Beva, president of the National Assembly, said, “We should not weaken our democracy.

De Furnas’s comments, while leftist MP Carlos Martins Bellongo raised a question about the migration, on Thursday, which led to the stopping of the session.
Le Pen and her party denied claims of racism instead of accusing their opponents of misrepresenting De Furnas’ remarks.

The extreme right denied that De Furnas was directed to Martins Bellongo, saying that he was referring to the migrants from Africa who were currently on a boat belonging to a non -governmental organization in the Mediterranean, and that there is no mistake in that.
The far right party, led by Marine Louben, crossed a historic threshold to become the first opposition party and win legitimacy that had hitherto eluded it during the French legislative elections.

In defiance of forecasts, the right-wing extremist group won 89 members in Parliament, compared to eight in the previous legislative term, surpassing France’s radical left opposition, who won 72 seats.

He yelled, “A stiff penalty for a French deputy of the right!” in a racist tone.

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